I picked Revenge of the Translator out of short list of novels about translation and translators. (I think there’s a much bigger literature about translation as an art and a craft.) The book, published in France in 2009, is an interesting artifact. At one point it made me laugh out loud, but I am afraid it requires a special taste.
The translator, who has a lot to say about literature, translation, the book he’s translating into French (in French it should be Vengeance du Traducteru, but of course the publisher will have to agree) is by one “Abel Prote” and the protagonist of the book is “David Grey, American translator of French novels.” Another key character is “the beautiful Doris,” who may be a character in the book or a lover of the author or neither or both.
Early on, the translator discusses his impatience with the book he’s translating. To improve it, he begins “trimming the fat,” first by eliminating all adjectives. “His prose has become almost good, the bastard. And since he barely speaks French, he won’t suspect as thing.”
That improves the text so much, he cuts all the adverbs. That works so well, he deletes all the tags that follow dialogue, such as: “‘_______!’ hurled Doris in a defiant voice as she walked toward him.”
Or: “‘_______,’Grey replied coldly.”
And: “‘_______,’ Grey cut her off, drawing right up close to her beautiful face with its slightly hooked nose.” It was at this point I laughed aloud.
Ten pages later, a chapter begins, “The character of Doris, the ‘servant with a big heart’ and personal secretary to Abel Prote, seems insufficiently developed to me.” First, I thought Abel Prote was the author of the novel, and second, what’s the translator doing “fleshing out” the author’s characters?
The book becomes even more meta. On page 73 we read, “Seized by a sudden idea, Prote envisages writing a novel entirely composed of footnotes. . . He gets up from his bed and sits in front of his computer. . . and he begins: ‘I reside here below this thin black bar. . . .”
But there’s more: “Then the telephone rings. I pick up. A guy, a French guy, tells me in French that (N.d.T) is actually part of an American novel, called Translator’s Revenge which is in the process of being translated for a Parisian publisher. He adds that I, David Grey, am a character in this novel. Same for Abel, the author of (N.d.T), and for you, Doris. Can you imagine? If we were all characters of a novel being translated into French! He wants to see me . . . .” (p.195).
I cannot imagine the effort to translate and so my enthusiasm is unlimited for Emma Ramadan, a real person, who has translated this farrago from French into English. Revenge of the Translator has some lovely writing, and some interesting thoughts about translation. (What do you do if you hate the original? When, if ever, do you cut? Improve? If, as I’ve read, Martin Heidegger is more accessible in English than in the original German, has the translator done him a service or a misrepresentation?)
I think Brice Matthieusssent wants it both ways; to write a traditional realistic novel and to write something entirely original. He studied engineering and as a graduate student obtained a doctorate in philosophy. He has taught the philosophy of aesthetics and the history of contemporary art in Marseille, as well as translation courses in a Parisian university. He’s written seven novels and translated the fiction of Jim Harrison, Jack Kerouac, Henri Miller, Charles Bukowski, Bret Easton Ellis, Gore Vidal, Larry Kramer, Annie Dillard, Paul Bowles, William Burroughs, and many more into French.
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